Do you take too many accessories with you when you travel?

Michelle Kaye
9 min readAug 20, 2023


You all know that I’m a geek, and tech is one of my favourite topics 🤣. Did you know that I really enjoy searching out and buying tech travel accessories? They need to be useful, practical and ideally small/compact to travel with. Here are some of my personal favourites.

Disclaimer: I’ve included some affiliate links to Amazon UK for some products that I like, to help you get started if you need something new. I will earn a small commission if you purchase through the link. It will have no impact on the amount to pay.

What are tech accessories?

Let’s start at the beginning.

To me, you have your main devices (desktop, laptop, tablet, smartphone).

Then anything that you take in addition, is then an accessory.

Now some you need, like the power cable, and others are nice to have like covers etc.

Types of accessories

When we’re talking about accessories, there are so many things that it can refer to.

Let’s narrow the list down, to what you might need to take with you for business or leisure:

  • Power Cables
  • Power Bank
  • Plug
  • Adapters and Converters
  • Headset / headphones
  • Speaker
  • Microphone


Every device that you are going to be using runs on electricity.

First thing you need to consider is how you’re going to keep it/them powered up.

Power Banks

YouTube Video: Travel Tech — Power Banks

Start at the beginning of the trip — travelling (there and back). You’re likely to be using one or more devices, during that time. How are you going to recharge them?

An easy option is to carry a power bank or power pack with you.

This will let you top-up or recharge your device on the go.

Next question — what’s more important — size and weight or capacity?


This refers to how much charge the pack can hold, which equates to how much charge you can transfer to your device(s).

It can be enough to ‘top-up’ a phone, to make a call, or fully recharge once or several times.

Are you going to be travelling a long time, or a shorter ‘hop’?

A general rule is that the larger capacity packs will be bigger and heavier.

Size and Weight

Alternatively the size and weight can be more important for you — especially if you are travelling with limited luggage, or even hand luggage only.

Then you need to figure out what size you can/want to carry with you, and find the best capacity for that size.

In the end it’s a balance between these two options.

Power Banks are one of your best travel tech accessories

I have a choice of power banks (as you can see above), and I’m always on the look out for other options.

The ‘largest one’ that I personally own, the Cygnet, is a favourite. It’s not really that big or heavy. It has two USB-A ports, so I can charge two devices at the same time, and the battery charge lasts a long time when not in use.

On the other hand, the small blue Go Travel bank is perfect for slipping into a pocket when I know I’m going to be out all day. It gives me the reassurance that I can use my phone as I need it, knowing that I can also recharge it.

Reminder: Make sure that whatever power bank you are taking with, it’s fully charged before you leave home.

Suggested Power Banks (Amazon Affiliate Links)

Cygnett Power Bank NTOR Mini Power Bank Anker Power Bank

Mains Charging

Unless you’re only going to be away for a very short period of time, you’ll need to recharge your devices (and accessories) from the mains at some point.

That means that you need a way to plug into a mains wall socket.

Note: You might be lucky to have a USB socket to connect to, but I don’t like risking that assumption.

Question 1: Where are you travelling to, and what plug socket does it use?

Note: If it’s Europe, double-check, they don’t all use the exact same plug.

Question 2: Do you need your home plug as well?

For example if you’re going to be in the airport for a while, then having your own countries plug means that you can ‘plug in’ to charge devices.

Do they actually need to be different devices?

You need a plug for your technology gadgets travel. How about one that folds, including a UK 3-pin?

I’m a big fan of the folding plug by The Mu. It’s small, compact and flat — even the UK 3-pin plug. It’s perfect for travel, and the only one I use! Click on the link above to take a look. (I’m not an affiliate, just a big fan).

Adapter vs Converter

A quick word on the difference between these two options — and there is a difference.

An adapter will change the type of plug from one connection (e.g. UK 3-prong) to another (e.g. USA 2-prong).

These are the types of items that you see in airports and various shops.

If you are travelling between countries then you will likely need an adapter.

However, before you rush out an buy an adapter or a set, you need to also consider converters.

Across the world the power available through the mains system can be different. For example, the UK uses a higher power (230 volts) compared to the USA where the standard is lower (110 volts).

Some modern systems have been built to handle both options, while other devices may not.

This is where a converter comes in. It will safely allow you to use the same device within the different countries.

Depending on the devices that you’re taking and where you’re travelling to, check if they are OK, or if you will need a converter.

Note: You might need an converter to safely plug your item into the mains, plus an adapter to be able to plug it in.

Personal experience: I tend to travel from the UK to the USA, going from the higher volts down to a lower level. Additionally I travel with USB cables, so I’ve never had a need for a converter.

If you’re travelling to a country with a higher standard power level, please check before travelling.

Power Cables

YouTube Video: Travel Tech: Remember your cables

Now you’ve got where the power is coming from sorted out, you need to look at how you’re going to connect the power to the device.

Yep — a cable.

USB Connectors

First question: Based on the devices you’ve chosen to take with you, what connection type do you need for each device?

Popular devices are:

Kindle = Micro USB

Apple iPhone/iPad = Lightning or USB-C (the newest ones are USB-C)

Android = USB-C

Standard USB Connecters, including A (large square), C (oval), Lightning (Apple), Mini and Micro.

Take a look at each device in turn, and list out the connector needed.

You should find that some devices use the same connector. At the time of writing most companies are standardising on USB-C.

Cable Options

You could take a cable for every device that you’re carrying with you.

That’s an option, but can be overkill.

My travel tech accessories tip: I really like to carry with me a multi-connector cable. A single cable that has a variety of the connections that I use. This way I have one cable, rather than lots floating around my bag.

Multi-Cable chargers are great for all your tech travel gadgets.

Maybe something like this 4-in-1 cable (affiliate link to Amazon UK):

4 in 1 Charger Cable

Alternatively have a look at the various options at Amazon UK to find one that suits you (affiliate link)

Multi USB Cable

Note: Check that the cable you choose has the connections that you need. A good reason to make that list.

Some of these multi-cables will let you charge more than one device at the same time, but not all of them.

If you do choose to go down this route, then you will want to take backup cables for the devices that you use most often. “Don’t put all your cables in one basket”.

At the very least, take a spare cable for your phone, as that’s the device that you can’t live without.

Note: Cables can be used for data transfer as well as power. Think where you’re going and what you’re plugging into. Choosing a cable only for power can be the safer option.

Specific Cable Requirements

If you are travelling with a laptop, it’s best to use the power cable that came with it. Depending on where you’re travelling to, you’re most likely to need an adapter. Remember to check if you will also need a converter for it.

There are other devices that you are carrying that might need a specific cable, e.g., an Apple Watch or Fitbit.

First question — do you need that device?

If the answer is yes, can you get a spare cable to take with you? You don’t want to travel with the only cable that you’ve got for it. (Lose/breaking/damage — you get the picture.)

You might also consider if there is something else that will charge your device, but can use a standard connector.

For example, there are a number of accessories for the Apple iWatch that is an alternative that works with a standard connector. I’ve seen some that can be used to charge 2 or 3 Apple devices at the same time.


A lot of the reason that we carry a device (or two) around is for communication and/or entertainment.

You’ll need an option to hear…


Note: Headset has a microphone built-in, whereas headphones are only for listening.

This is likely to be the first ‘non-power’ accessory that you think of.

Based on what you prefer and where you’re going to be using them, make the best choice for you.

Wired or wireless — wireless will generally need some form of charging (remember to add that to your list).

Wired headphones can be smaller, easier to carry and are great to have as a backup.

Note: If you are flying, the built-in entertainment does’t connect to wireless headphones. You can get adapters to stream the audio, but that’s another powered item. Having a cheaper wired option can be an easy alternative.


Do you need to be able to share the audio with others?

You can get splitters to be able to have two headphones plugged into a single socket. This is a great option if you need/want to share the audio with another person.

Are you going to be in a position where it’s not just you wanting to hear the audio?

Then a travel speaker, light and compact may be what you need.

I don’t travel with a speaker, so I’m not going to recommend something, but here are some travel speakers from Amazon UK (affiliate link)

Travel Speakers


So far I’ve been lucky enough that my travel is for leisure, so I don’t need to travel with a range of accessories to record videos.

However, if you do, or you’re in meetings and need something a bit better, then an external microphone might be an accessory that’s worth taking with you.

I’m really not the right person to ask about this option, so I’m going to let you look on the internet yourself.

Next Steps

While the first question should always be what do you need (for the devices you’re taking), the second should be what have you already got?

If you do decide to buy some new accessories, then think about how often you’re going to use them. Will they work with a number of devices? Are they good for travel, or better left at home?

For your travel tech accessories, smaller and lighter are generally better. Ask yourself do you want something smaller to carry with you, or a bit larger to give you more power?

(Personally I tend to go for smaller and lighter 😁)

Plan out what you need, and make sure that you pack it.

If you travel a lot, then it can be worth having a set of your travel tech accessories packed, for a ‘grab n go’ option.

Originally posted on as Remember your travel tech accessories



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