Got standard sections that you need to enter into a doc? Then you need AutoText

Michelle Kaye
5 min readMar 10, 2024


There are times when you need a bit more information, or a bit more formatting and quite frankly AutoComplete just doesn’t cut it so let me introduce you to its “big brother” AutoText.

Here’s where you can put any amount of text, images, formatting, whatever you want into a single “shortcut” that will let you add it in at any time.

IMPORTANT: AutoText is only available in Microsoft Word. There is no equivalent (that I can find) in Google Docs.

What makes AutoText different from AutoCorrect?

It’s not just that it can store an awful lot more, characters, formatting and commands but it’s not completely automatic.

Unlike AutoCorrect where you hit space or return and it ‘corrects’ with the stored replacement. With AutoText you need to confirm that you want to add the text in.

This means that you can give it a meaningful name that actually explains what information is about instead of a ‘code’ (that you should be able to understand later). Instead you can use real words and give it a name that you’ll remember.

Create the AutoText Entry

When you want to create a new entry to your AutoText list, you need to be able to select the text.

So, this means that you need to type it in (or dictate it), with all of the formatting, spacing etc.

  1. Create a new blank document.

Note: I always recommend creating it in a new doc if you want to create a bigger AutoText entry. This way you don’t have to worry about selecting the wrong text.

2. Type in the text for the entry.

Note: This can include a range of items, including images, links as well as any specific formatting.

3. Now select everything (to be in the entry).

4. From the Insert tab, find the text group.

5. Click on the Quick Parts option.

6. Select the first option AutoText.

7. At the bottom of the entry lists, click on Save Selection to AutoText Gallery.

Note: This should be active as you’ve already selected the text.

Under the Insert Tab, AutoText can be found in the Quick Parts button.
  1. Complete these fields:



Description (if the name isn’t obvious enough or you’re sharing it)

2. Leave all of the other options as the default.

3. Click OK.

Dialog Box for a new AutoText Building Block

And that’s it, the new AutoText entry has been created.

It’s now available in all of your files — because you saved it to the Normal template. 😊 It’s why I didn’t say to change the Save In option.

What to see this in practice? Head over to my YouTube Channel to watch the AutoText Video: Unlock the Power of AutoText in Word — Type Faster and Smarter

Putting AutoText to work

Now that your entry has been created, you’ll want to test it out, and of course put it to work.

Create a new blank document.

(OK, I know that I keep saying this, but I’d rather test in a file that I don’t need to worry about. I.e. Don’t save when I’m finished.)

IMPORTANT: When you’re using AutoText in your file, make sure that the cursor is placed where you want the entry to appear in the document!

Using the Ribbon

The first option is to use the ribbon, and for all you mouse people, this might be your preferred option.

  1. Make sure that you’re looking at the Insert tab, and from the Text group, click on Quick Parts.
  2. From the list, yep, click on AutoText.
  3. Now you’ll see all of the entries.
  4. Depending on how many you have, you might need to scroll.
  5. Click on the entry that you want to use.
  6. The text will be added into the document.

Use the AutoText name

The next option is to use the name that you gave the entry.

Don’t worry if you can’t remember the name, as long as you can remember the first few words.

Tip: If you can’t remember, follow the steps above to see all the AutoText entries, and you’ll see the entry name above the preview.

  1. In the document, make sure that you’re in the right place for the entry to appear.
  2. Now type in the entry name.
  3. You’ll see it appear directly above the line that you’re on.
  4. Press Return.
  5. The AutoText entry will be inserted into your file.


  1. Type in the AutoText Name.
  2. On your keyboard, press F3.
  3. And the text is added.

Have you tried Right-Clicking?

Right-click on an AutoText entry to see 7 insert options.

While playing around for this post, I found a few interesting things when I was looking for the edit option.

Make sure that you’re looking at the Insert tab, and from the Text group, click on Quick Parts.

From the list, yep, click on AutoText.

Now you’ll see all of the entries.

Right-click on the entry that you want to use.

You’ll see a number of insert options to help you position the text just right.

Select the one that you want to use.

Editing an AutoText Entry

Well, it’s not so much editing, as replacing.

You can’t edit the text for an entry, just the properties i.e. the name.

What you can do is:

  • Insert the entry into a document.
  • Edit it.
  • Delete the old one.
  • Create a new entry with the updates.

Next Steps

Over to you (have you missed reading that?)

It’s time for you to fire up Microsoft Word.

Create your own AutoText entry.

If it’s just for practice, then remember to delete it afterwards.

Previously posted on as How to use AutoText in Word



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