New Business Needs Online Content?

Michelle Kaye
3 min readMar 17, 2024


So you’ve got this great idea; it’s a new business or a new venture and you need to share information with people who will hopefully become your customers and clients, but how do you start? The current expectation is with online content — what does that actually mean?

Unless you’ve already got a name for yourself and a ‘fan base’, potential customers are unlikely to just ‘buy’ from you.

You need to ‘get out there’, making a name for yourself.

In today’s always connected world, creating online content appears to be a must for all businesses — no matter the size.

Smiling lady sitting with pad and laptop hopefully discovered her next content idea

What is considered to be online content?

That’s an excellent question!

A ‘simple’ definition is

“Anything created and shared via the internet”

That’s a lot!

I think it’s fair to say that the most popular or well known content is:

  • Blogs
  • Videos — long or short
  • Audio — podcasts
  • Social Media Posts
  • Quizzes
  • Downloadable content — files, guides, how-tos, infographics

So pretty much everything!

In terms of the ‘big three’ it’s pretty much (in no particular order):

  1. Blogs
  2. Videos
  3. Podcast

Do you need it for your business to be a success?

I’m not sure if there’s anyone who would tell you no, but there are a lot of people who are going to tell you yes!

From my experience, I’m going to say you probably need something.

There’s a lot of talk about the ‘know, like and trust’ factor.

The understanding that people aren’t just going to buy from you. You need to talk to them, share information about yourself and how you can help, before they feel comfortable giving you their hard-earned money.

Online content — whatever you choose — is a well tried option to create that.

Let’s be honest, if you don’t use one of the main three, and stick to say social media, you’re still creating and sharing online content.

So maybe we need to upgrade it to a ‘Yes’.

So I need everything?

Whoa — based on my personal experiences the answer is a definitive NO!

Or at least, not right now.

You’ve got a finite amount of time and energy (been there, didn’t manage to do all that).

You need to find the one — yes, the one — that works best for you.

Depending on how it goes, how it feels to you personally, you can look — later — at adding more options.

But let’s start with one.

Not sure which one you should start with?

Over the next few weeks I’m going to be taking a short wander, down each of the main options to help you decide.

Next Steps

Shameless self promotion time.

If you want to jump in now, instead of waiting for the next three weeks blogs, then I’ve written something to help.

I’ve got all three main options covered in my planner The Consistent Online Content Creator.

Let me help you navigate through the things that you need:

  • Things to think about before you take the plunge
  • Which one is going to work for you
  • Creating your ‘brand’ — name, look and feel
  • Getting started online — selecting your hosting choice
  • Planning, creating and scheduling your first months content

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Previously posted on as Do you really need online content?

