Online Content — Podcasting?

Michelle Kaye
3 min readApr 7, 2024


Maybe you’ve got a lot to say (not just supercalifragilisticexpialidocious) but you don’t like seeing or recording yourself. In this case take a look at the podcast option.

Sure you’re recording your voice but that’s it!

Women Sitting at the Table talking into microphones

What’s a podcast?

Well a dictionary definition is

“a digital audio file made available on the internet for downloading to a computer or mobile device, typically available as a series, new instalments of which can be received by subscribers automatically.”

Today we can also add in ‘streaming’ not just downloading.

Basically, you are making a recording of your voice and sharing it — with the world.

Does it have to be you?

Not really.

Of course the idea is to share your knowledge and genius. But maybe you’re amazing when you’re having a conversation, not just talking.

Ideally you should be there somewhere. That may be the introduction and wrap up at the end.

Then you have a guest or guests, talking to you or each other in the middle.

The key question here is “what will help you and your business”?

Of course, you don’t need to make a ‘hard’ decision, you could aim for a mix of types; sometimes it’s you, sometimes it’s guests.

Do you need to be a ‘writer’?

It’s all about what you’re comfortable doing.

Do you prefer to have a rough idea or thought, and talk about it?

Maybe it’s easier for you to write out everything, making sure it makes sense, then record yourself reading it?

Depending on your preference is the answer.

But no, you don’t need to be a writer.

Whatever you do, you need to be you!

How you naturally talk, and if you’re considering a podcast, I’m going to assume that you enjoy talking, is the best option.

Does my podcast have to be long?

The length is up to you, and of course your content.

Similar to the videos (last blog), you can have short and longer podcasts.

I’ve taken a course about a ‘tiny podcast’ — love this idea that it’s around 10 mins. Long enough to share useful information, but short enough that the listeners don’t get bored.

Of course, the average length of most podcasts are between 30 and 45 mins. Occasional shows can be longer.

Similar to videos — how long do you think your audience will listen for?

This is a bit difficult to figure out, as it depends on your content and how interested they are.

Hosted all the way

Unlike blogs, your podcast is going to be uploaded and stored somewhere else.

You’re actually going to need two options:

  • the hosting platform — the place where your recordings are kept
  • the podcast platform — the site(s) where people will be able to find and subscribe to your podcast

In some cases, this can be the same option. It’s more likely that they will be different.

Bet that the names you’re thinking of are the podcast platform.

Next Steps

Shameless self promotion time.

If a podcast is the route that you want to take, then I’ve written something to help.

It’s my planner The Consistent Online Content Creator

Let me help you navigate through the things that you need:

  • Things to think about before you take the plunge
  • Creating your ‘brand’ — name, look and feel
  • Getting started online — selecting your podcast hosting platform
  • Planning, creating and scheduling your first months content

Available from Amazon, find your direct, local link here:

Previously posted on as Talking without the video = podcast

