Which OS team are you?

Michelle Kaye
6 min readSep 24, 2023


All computers require an operating systems software (or OS) in order to make the device work. Today it’s a matter of which one you want.

Note: This will also help define what device to purchase.

I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again because it’s relevant:

If you have specific software that you need to use, then first check which OS it runs on. If it’s only for Mac or Windows, then your choice is made.

On the other hand, if there’s a version for both, keep reading.

You might be assuming that there’s only two operating systems to choose from: Windows or Mac.

While those two might be the most popular, there are more on the market.

I can’t tell you which operating system to choose, at the end of the day, it’s completely your personal preference. This post is to give you some ideas and guidance on helping you to make that decision.

Microsoft Windows

This is one of the two most popular operating systems on the market.

If you’re a business, then you’re probably using Windows. Likewise for many home computers.

It’s been around since 1985.

MS Windows is one of the popular operating systems for business. Using a taskbar at the bottom of the screen and the menu in Windows 10 on the left. Windows 11 has the start button in the middle of the taskbar.
MS Windows 10

A little History

Windows was actually created as a graphical user interface (GUI) to the text based operating system DOS (Disc Operating System).

It meant that rather than having to remember a bunch of text commands, you were able to see and move icons around.

It’s interesting that some bits of Windows are based (and licensed) on concepts from Apple.

So they are not that different after all 😁

Windows is licensed to a range of manufacturers for use with their hardware.

You want a Windows computer when:

  • You want a wider choice of devices to select from
  • You want to keep your budget down
  • You already know MS Windows and don’t want to change
  • All the software that you want to use is available for Windows


Mac or Apple Mac is the second of the most popular operating systems.

If you are in a creative industry (video, audio or drawing), you are most likely to have been using a Mac.

MacOS is the other popular operating systems for business. With a dock at the bottom of the screen for all of your applications

A bit of Mac History

The Mac operating system was first seen in 1984, now called ‘Classic Mac OS’.

Mac OS appeared as the official title in 1997, although now to match the other operating systems with the Mac range we’ve lost the space to become MacOS.

Unlike Windows, Mac has always been graphical, and many believe that it’s a lot easier to learn and use than the others.

MacOS is a proprietary system, only available on Apple products, and is the basis for the other operating systems in the Apple range — iPadOS, iOS, WatchOS and others.

You want a Mac device when

  • You want all your devices, iPhone, iWatch, iPad to easily speak to your laptop desktop
  • You’re already familiar with Mac
  • You have a ‘good’ budget available
  • Everything (tech wise) needs to just work
  • The software that you need to use is available on Mac


Chrome as we know is from Google.

You know the name Chrome from the popular web-browser. However, there is also ChromeOS that comes pre-installed on all Chromebooks.

You can install it to replace another operating system, especially older models as it will work with older hardware.

ChromeOS looks a lot like Windows 11, with a taskbar at the bottom and application icons in the middle of the taskbar.

What about its history?

A relative baby in the operating systems world, it was announced by Google in 2009, becoming available 2 years later.

Schools use Chromebooks widely, and is popular. It’s best known in schools where Chromebooks are widely used.

Choose ChromeOS when you want:

  • a system that is cloud based
  • an app based environment
  • to make use of older hardware
  • a low budget device


I wanted to include this option, as it is an option.

Designed for supercomputers or built into some hardware, Linux is available to be installed on a wide range of personal computers.

As far as I know, there aren’t many computers that come with Linux (or one of the variations) pre-installed, but it’s supposed to be easy to replace one of the others with Linux.

Linux is the alternative operating system, looking very much like Windows 10 with a menu button in the bottom left.
Linux OS

What’s its history?

You’ll be surprised to learn that Linux has actually been around since 1991!

It’s based on UNIX, which was/is the operating system favoured by mainframe computers (the huge, takes up a whole room computer).

In the personal computer space, it’s been overshadowed by Windows and MacOS, but it’s held its own in other ways.

Linux is an open-source operating system, meaning that the code is freely available for anyone to use, and edit.

Google is using it as the basis for its ChromebookOS, and Android smartphones.

Linux is for you if:

  • You don’t want to use either of the main operating systems
  • A free, or cheaper operating system is your preference
  • You’re happy to install your own OS
  • You want to try something different

Mobile Phones

I want to include them here, as you can consider your smartphone to be part of your ‘computer kit’ — they are powerful enough.

They don’t have the ‘classic’ operating systems software, but they do have their own version of an OS.

iOS (phone and pad)

Like MacOS, iOS is a proprietary system owned and controlled by Apple. It’s only available on Apple portable devices.

Originally the same operating system, Apple rebranded them as iPhoneOS/iOS and iPadOS.

iOS (phone) was released in 2007, and runs exclusively on the Apple iPhone devices.

The iPadOS is one of the newest versions, released in 2019, when it split from running the original iOS, the same as the iPhone.

While still very similar, running apps, approved by Apple, there are now often two versions — one for each device.


The popular alternative to Apple, for other smartphones.

Similar to Linux, as it’s based on it 😃, it’s another open source operating system.

The most well known and used version is from Google. Although there are a number of other versions written.

Similar to iOS, it has the ability to run apps, which are downloaded from the Play Store. All the apps are checked and approved by Google.

Choose a smartphone if:

  • You want a really portable device
  • There are apps available for your tasks
  • You want to be/can be mostly cloud based
  • The screen-size is large enough for you

While there are a lot of things that you wouldn’t or can’t do on a smartphone — in-depth video or audio editing, detailed drawing. There is an awful lot that you can do — including basic video editing, document creation, notes, tasks plus games.

Next steps

When it comes to operating systems software, if you have a personal preference let that guide you. Don’t force yourself to buy something because “everyone” says it’s better.

Choose the right option for your budget. If you have a larger budget then you can include Mac, or if you have a lower budget consider Windows or ChromeOS.

For those a little more on the technical or adventurous side, then Linux might be the right one for you. Not because it’s difficult to use, but because you will need to learn some new skills.

Remember to consider what your smartphone can do, you’ve probably already got one, and they are powerful computers in your pocket.

If you don’t know where to start, then work through the 7 questions that you need to ask in What no one told you about buying a computer to make sure that you are getting the right device for you!

Previously posted on MichelleKTraining.co.uk as Choose the best operating systems software for you



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