Why you should be storing your files in the cloud

Michelle Kaye
6 min readJul 30, 2023


We all know that the best place to save files today, is not on the physical hard drive on your device, but instead online file storage (aka cloud storage).

You might be wondering why this is a ‘better’ option and even why (or is that if) you should be using it.

Let me share a few helpful tips / ideas / benefits with you:


One of the major advantages of online file storage is the ability to access your files from anywhere with an internet connection. Whether you’re using a computer, smartphone, or tablet, you can easily open, work on and manage your files on the go.

This is particularly useful for remote work, collaboration, or accessing files while traveling.

Data Backup and Recovery

Saving file online provides a reliable backup solution.

By storing your files in the cloud, you protect them from potential data loss due to hardware failures, theft, natural disasters, or accidental deletion.

Cloud storage providers often have redundancy measures in place, ensuring that your data is stored across multiple servers, reducing the risk of data loss.

However, you should still have at least one copy of your important files in another location (even another online location) as a precaution.

Storage Capacity and Scalability

Cloud file storage can offer a vast amount of storage capacity, typically far more than most individual devices can provide.

It eliminates the need for physical storage devices such as external hard drives or USB flash drives, saving you from the hassle of managing and organising multiple items. And finding a safe place to keep them.

Additionally, cloud storage services often offer flexible plans, allowing you to scale up or down your storage as needed.

Most (if not all) storage platforms offer a free account with a limited amount of space. You then pay, monthly or yearly, for any additional space you want/need.

Collaboration and File Sharing

Working and collaboration is one of the biggest reasons for online file storage.

It makes collaboration among individuals or teams simple.

You can easily share files or folders with others, granting them access to view, edit, or comment on the files.

This streamlines teamwork and eliminates the need for sending large email attachments or physically transferring files via other options.

Synchronisation and Version Control

Many cloud storage services provide synchronisation capabilities, automatically updating files across multiple devices.

This means that you always have the latest version of a file, regardless of the device you’re using.

Additionally, some services offer version control features, allowing you to revert to previous versions of a file if needed. This includes the popular options of Google Drive and OneDrive.

Security and Data Protection

Cloud storage providers generally prioritise the security and protection of your data.

They employ various measures such as encryption, secure authentication, and data redundancy to safeguard your files.

Online storage reduces the risk of physical theft, loss or damage to storage devices, as your files are stored in secure data centres.


Online file storage can offer cost-effective solutions compared to traditional storage methods.

Rather than investing in expensive hardware like hard-drives, you can subscribe to a cloud storage service for a relatively low monthly or annual fee.

This can be especially beneficial for businesses, as it removes the need for upfront investment in infrastructure (hardware) and ongoing maintenance costs. However, you do need, to factor in the ongoing cost for the storage, and the likely increase as you need more space.

Popular Online Storage Platforms

I know that I’ve mentioned it before (somewhere), but if you are new to this, here are quick overviews of the most popular online storage sites:

All of these options, offer an amount of free storage, which I’ve listed. As you can guess more space is available at an additional cost.

If you’re not sure what the size means, take a look at my post Do you know your Bits and Bytes?

Google Drive

When it comes to online storage for computer a lot of people think of Google Drive

Google Drive is a highly reputable cloud storage platform that provides a seamless and efficient file management experience. Its intuitive interface, deep integration with other Google services, and extensive collaboration features make it a popular choice. With generous free storage and affordable upgrade options, Google Drive offers ample space for storing and sharing files. Its reliable synchronization capabilities and robust search functionality further enhance productivity. Whether for personal use or professional needs, Google Drive is a reliable and user-friendly solution for managing and accessing files from anywhere.

Key Points:

  • Available through a web-browser, local installed program and mobile app
  • Synchronise for online and offline access
  • 15Gb free with a Google Account
  • Accessible on Windows and Mac

Microsoft OneDrive

Microsoft OneDrive is the first option most people think of for online file storage for PC

YouTube Video: Sharing Has Never Been Easier: Using OneDrive To Share Files (Where to find the Share options in OneDrive)

OneDrive, Microsoft’s cloud storage service, offers a reliable and versatile solution for file management and collaboration. With its seamless integration with Microsoft Office applications, OneDrive provides a convenient and familiar environment for users. The platform’s file synchronization capabilities ensure that files are up to date across devices, while its generous storage options accommodate various needs. OneDrive’s sharing and collaboration features allow for effortless teamwork and file sharing, making it an ideal choice for individuals and businesses alike. With its robust security measures and ease of use, OneDrive stands as a dependable and user-friendly cloud storage solution.

Key Points:

  • Online storage for Windows PC
  • Access through installed application, web-browser and mobile app
  • Available for Windows and Mac
  • 5GB with free Microsoft Account


Most people think that iCloud is just for Macs — while it is Apple, it’s for everyone

iCloud, Apple’s cloud storage service, offers a seamless and integrated experience for Apple device users. With automatic backup and synchronization across devices, iCloud ensures that your files, photos, and data are always up to date and accessible. Its tight integration with Apple’s ecosystem, including apps like Pages, Keynote, and Numbers, enables effortless collaboration and sharing. iCloud’s emphasis on privacy and security, coupled with its intuitive interface, makes it a trusted and user-friendly choice for Apple users seeking a reliable cloud storage solution that seamlessly integrates with their devices and applications.

Key Points:

  • Online storage for Mac
  • Accessible through installed application, web-browser and mobile app
  • Free 5GB storage
  • Can be used, via web-browser on a Windows computer


Dropbox is a popular option for online file storage.

Dropbox is a top-notch cloud storage and file sharing service. It offers a user-friendly interface, seamless synchronization, and robust collaboration features. With easy accessibility across devices, strong data protection, and ample storage options, Dropbox is a reliable and versatile solution for individuals and businesses.

Key Points:

  • Main access through web-browser, also has mobile and desktop apps
  • 2Gb of free storage
  • Online storage for computers
  • Works with both Windows and Mac devices

Next Steps

With so many of us already having various accounts, the first thing to do is check what you already have.

If you haven’t used it in a while, try it out again.

Consider if, like me, you have accounts on different platforms, where is the best place to save and share files.

Or you can sign up for a free account with the different platforms to try them out.

It can be that you’re working files live on OneDrive. The productivity files that you want to share with clients are saved on Google Drive, and larger files, or ones you don’t access all the time are in Dropbox.

No one said that you should have a single option for everything — after all “don’t put all your eggs in one basket” is a very apt statement.

Previously posted on MichelleKTraining.co.uk as What’s so great about online file storage?

