You don’t need to pay to unsubscribe!

Michelle Kaye
4 min readMay 28, 2023


If you’re anything like me, you join a bundle or group and then go a little crazy and sign up to a lot of email lists. When the emails start (and continue) arriving you realise what you’ve done. Is there a free unsubscribe service to help you?

Let’s be clear, these are services or options, that will make it easier than manually finding and clicking on the unsubscribe button for each individual message.

There are a couple to consider…

Free Unsubscribe Services

Let’s start with the easiest ones:

Google Gmail

Yep, if you use Google Mail or Gmail then they’ve got you covered.

Click to open/display the message that you want to unsubscribe from.

At the top, next to the ‘from’ name and email address — you’ll see an Unsubscribe option.

Note: You won’t see it on messages from personal accounts.

How to unsubscribe from mail, quick and easily in Gmail with the link at the top.

Simply click on the Unsubscribe option.

A dialog box will ask you to confirm that you want to unsubscribe from this list.

Confirm it, and Google will send an unsubscribe message to the list on your behalf.

See it in action in my YouTube video — Goodbye Annoying Emails: Learn to Unsubscribe Using Gmail

Gmail Unsubscriber

If you’re looking for a little more help, then you can get a Chrome Add-in called Gmail Unsubscriber.

From the page:

“Unsubscribe from all unwanted emails in bulk with one click. Take back control of your inbox! From the makers of Baxter.”

It seems to add a button at the top of your Gmail Inbox.

Select the relevant messages, and unsubscribe from all of them with a single click.

IMPORTANT: Unroll me is not available in EU and the European Economic Area.

If you want additional help, and are happy to share access to your accounts, then an external free unsubscribe service — such as — can be useful.

Unroll me is a free email unsubscribe service

Sign up for a free account and share the details for your email accounts.

These are the ones that you want help with.

It scans through the emails, finding the ones from subscribed lists.

Showing you how many emails that you have from that particular address, you then have the option to Keep or Unsubscribe.

With a single click, they will send an email on your behalf and unsubscribe for you.


You all know that I’m a Microsoft girl at heart — mostly because I’ve used and trained it for so long.

Looking into Outlook and the options available I’ll put my hands up and admit I’m starting to get a little confused at what options are available and where.

Outlook Desktop

This is my preferred option. (All the details and videos might be a bit of a give away 😁)

Using the current version, there is no specific unsubscribe assistance available. Stick to using the manual ‘click’ option.

However, I recently took a look at the new preview.

(To say I was unimpressed with it was an understatement — it’s basically the web version in a desktop program 🤯)

The *only* positive (for this topic), is that they’ve copied the option currently in Gmail.

When you select an email from a distribution list, you will be able to see an unsubscribe option.

Almost identical to the image at the top of this post.

From my research the online version of Outlook, has a setting built-in to help you manage your subscriptions.

Subscriptions Settings in helping you unsubscribe from emails free.

It’s under the cog (top right) > More Settings > Mail > Subscriptions.

Now here’s where my confusion comes in.

On my personal account, viewing it on the web — Subscriptions isn’t available.

What I can’t figure out, is if this is only, because when I sign in, I’m taken to

it’s possible that Microsoft have changed (read removed) it from the option.

But, other people have seen it.

It should be the same across the Outlook websites, but apparently it’s not.

I’m going to suggest that you take a look and see if, through your web browser/account, you can see this option.

Either you’ve got it or you ain’t.

Next Steps

If you have a limited number of email lists that you don’t want, then using free email unsubscribe services (when they are available) are simple enough to use.

However, if you have more to deal with but not the time, then maybe the next post will help.

Originally published on as Unsubscribe from Emails For Free



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